In-Page Tracking Automation
SkyGlue has the simplest and most effective event tracking mechanism on the market! Your event tracking time is going to be cut by 90% or more with SkyGlue! No developer is needed and no live environment code change is needed. Focus your time on the analytics vs. how to the create analytics!
Marketing data analysts love SkyGlue because it takes the headaches out of event tracking setup.
Simply create an account, or login to SkyGlue with your Google ID, and connect with your Google Analytics account. You will be given a short piece of code to cut and paste directly below your Google Analytics code. If you can Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V you have all you need to begin amplifying the power of Google Analytics.
You can also opt out of site-wide automatic event tracking and selectively add events to track in your SkyGlue portal. Check out further details on enabling/disabling SkyGlue automatic event tracking.
Customization is simple. Your events can be renamed and customized to meet your need and preference inside the SkyGlue web portal. No HTML editing or script writing is needed.
The days of calling IT are over. Take control of all aspects of web analytics and data intelligence.