
How SkyGlue helped our own website – 1 (find website bugs)

As our users increase, we feel it is vital to let people know in a more direct way what benefits SkyGlue actually brings them. We are working on setting up some tutorials. Firstly, we like to share with you a few examples how SkyGlue helped ourselves. Yes, we are using SkyGlue on our own website! [...]

2020-04-01T21:03:11-08:00July 9th, 2011|Blog|2 Comments

SkyGlue on Business Insider!

SkyGlue is featured on Business Insider: We have received overwhelming signups/feedbacks/suggestions. We appreciate your warmest support and are very encouraged to see so many people wanted to try our product. Our goal is to help you improve your business. We have been sending out a large number of invitation codes recently and we are [...]

2016-11-05T05:57:49-08:00July 7th, 2011|Blog|0 Comments

Event Tracking vs Page View Tracking

Page View tracking measures which pages on a website are viewed by individual visitors, their refering urls and visitor geographic locations, etc. These are pretty standard statistics that a lot of web analytics software provides. And often times, free. Event tracking provides an in-depth analysis of your user's actions on a page. With an implementation [...]

2020-04-01T21:03:11-08:00March 1st, 2011|Blog|0 Comments

Individual Visitor Statistics vs Aggregated Data

I came across a post written by a fellow Seattle web analytics guru Anil Batra on the same topic I plan to write about today - Individual visitor tracking vs aggregated statistics. Great post Anil! So, rather than re-writing the topic, I will just go from there. I wouldn't say which one is the way [...]

2020-04-01T21:03:11-08:00February 7th, 2011|Blog|1 Comment

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) vs Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

Many small businesses and startups struggle on balancing their limited marketing efforts between improving customer lifetime value/retention & finding new customers. I thought it might be worthwhile to write a post here and get readers some perspectives. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV), simply put, is the profit you are expected to receive from sales and services [...]

2020-04-01T21:03:11-08:00January 23rd, 2011|Blog|0 Comments

Cohort Study

Quite a number of my customers and potential customers ask me this question: "What is cohort analysis? How does it help boost my site's retention rate?" I think making post here will help more people understand the value of cohort analysis. From Wikipedia: "A cohort study or panel study is a form of longitudinal study [...]

2020-04-01T21:03:11-08:00January 15th, 2011|Blog|1 Comment

The Value of an Existing Customer

“In a perfect world, it’s both and everything in between. In the real world the general marketing rule is that retention is a lot more cost effective than acquisition…”                                 Carde Johnson - Forrester Research I liked the Chart on Flowtown titled The Value of an Existing Customer. Some very powerful statistics are spelled out in [...]

2020-04-01T21:03:11-08:00January 8th, 2011|Blog|1 Comment
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